It started out fairly flat

But that didn't last too long

The Crater Falls - much smaller than I'd imagined

Steeper and steeper

Crater Lake

The boathouse, where we stopped for a rest

The water was incredibly dark and dramatic

Amazing rock weathering - typically glacial, apparently... |

The path up to Marion's Lookout - and this is the easy bit!

Looking down on Lake Lilla (front) and Dove Lake (back) from the pass

In case anyone thought it was easy, that blob in the background is where we started from

Wombat Pool

Coming down (more stairs) toward Lake Lilla

The bottom of Lake Lilla

Dove Lake with Cradle Mountain. Worth every minute of the walk.

What an amazing view

The cradle in the sunshine - many people never see this!

Looking back along Dove Lake to where we'd come from