85. The Gun

December 2, 1975 (G-517)

Written by: Larry Gelbart and Gene Reynolds
Directed by: Burt Metcalfe
Guest Stars: Warren Stevens, as Colonel Chaffey.
Semi-regulars: William Christopher, as Father Mulcahy

Plot: A bunch of casualties show up after a road accident involving a tank. One of them, one Colonel Chaffey, has an antique gun, a Colt 45 from 1884. Burns is very impressed with, so much so that he steals it and pretends it's his own. The Colonel wants to prosecute Radar for losing the gun, which Hawkeye and BJ aren't too impressed with. Radar is pretty blue too - he actually gets drunk to make himself feel better about his potential dishonourable discharge. The boys bluff Burns into returning it. He does so, but accidentally shoots himself in the foot whilst doing so.

Glitches: It's a bit hard to believe the record player in Hot Lips's tent could be so easily slammed on again when Radar is leaving. I've had a record player like that, and it had to be treated very gently.
There is someone behind Burns when he pinches Radar's keys, possibly some kind of stagehand or techie.
Apparently the bullet just nicked the side of Burns's foot. It must have been just barely, because I can't see a thing.

Great Lines: Hawkeye: 'You sure know how to make a doctor crazy. I may have to write you an obscene prescription.'
Radar, drunk and morose: 'I'll be going to jail in my puberty, and I won't be coming out till my adultery!'
Radar, drunk and confused, after hearing a shot: 'My bear went off!'

The Klinger Collection: A pink bathrobe with a baggy red beret. A red cardigan over some kind of frock, with a hat that looks like a tea-cosy.

Continuity is for Wimps: Radar's alcohol tolerance has dropped remarkably since season 1, when he was downing Chateau Hawkeye quite easily.

Notes: Radar apparently has a sister who likes to borrow his bike. Hot Lips likes doing yoga. (She actually mentions it again in season 6, so they kept something consistent.)

Comments: Even for Burns, stealing the gun is an amazingly stupid thing to do. Colonel Potter offering a free pardon to get Radar off the hook is lovely, but not as lovely as him tucking the passed-out-drunk Radar into bed with his teddy bear. The bit at the end where they're wearing each other's glasses is one of the funniest moments in the season. This was a very nice episode from the point of view of furthering Radar's relationship with Potter. Although Burns is getting shallower and stupider with every passing episode, it's still vaguely believable that there would be someone as rotten as him in the world.

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